Jiří Vojtěch

Technical Game Designer

Jiří Vojtěch

Self-driven and ambitious technical game designer. Quick to grasp new concepts and adaptable. I specialise in Tech Game Design. I am a reliable team member and I treat every project like my own.


Published Projects


Years of game dev


Years of coding


Atan | Published on Steam

Role: Tech Game Designer | Unreal Engine 5 | Game | 40 Team Members | Time: 1 Year | Released TBD

This was 1 year-long university project. We made Atan our Y3 game, which was by far the largest team I have ever been part of. That brought different interesting challenges to this project

I was contributing to these features on this project:

  • Climbing
  • Level Design Ingredients
  • Anchors
  • Bug Reporting
  • General Design

Sailing System | Published on UE Marketplace

Solo Project | Time: 2 months | Unreal Engine 5 | Tool for Devs | Released 05/02/2023

Project statistics:

  • Sold over 100 copies up to date!
  • 5/5 stars ratings
  • Development time: 2 months

My 2 month long university project ended up being published on the Unreal Marketplace helping developers with sailing systems in their games.

The feedback I received from university teachers: Keep up the great work, your dedication to your craft is evident in the quality of your work.

Grads in Games Rising Star 2024 Submission

Solo Project | Time: 1 week (30 hours) | Unreal Engine 5 | Award: One To Watch

Project statistics information:

Grads in Games Rising Star is a competition for game development students. I attended the game design category.

My project was a tiny FPS game/prototype focused on combining randomness and skill. As the player gets more experience in the game, the randomness slowly turns into skill.

Some feedback I received from the assessors: Fascinating concept and I like how they were able to simplify it down to its core for the prototype.

Talisman Artisan | Published on Itch.io

Role: Producer | Time: 4 months | GameMaker 2 | Game | 5 Team Members | Released 19/06/2023

On this project, I took a producer role as part of my exploration year at University.

I believe we managed to create a great and quite polished experience.

As a part of this project, I worked with

  • Gamemaker 2
  • Jira
  • Miro Board
  • Office package

Astrohaunt | Published on Itch.io

Role: Tech Game Designer | Unreal Engine 5 | Game | 14 Team Members | Time: 2 month | Released 28/06/2022

This was my first project in the larger team in the first year of my university studies.

I was responsible for these features on this project:

  • Camera, Controls, Character
  • Lock-on features
  • Score System
  • Menus Controler Responsivity
  • General Design

Other published projects:

Other projects that I worked on and ended up being published

  • ShyMoAn | 11/04/2022 | 2D platformer | Role: generalist designer
  • Recycle Master | 31/10/2021 | Game Jam Project | Role: Programmer & Designer
  • Operation Doors 98 | 17/12/2020 | Game Jam Project | Role: Programmer & Designer
  • Connect! | 13/07/2019 | Hyper Casual Mobile Game | Solo Project
  • TSJ – Spawner Destroyer | 14/10/2022 | Y2 Block A BUas Twin Stick Shooter | Solo Project

AR comercial projects

  • Archaia | 06/04/2023 | AR Application for an archeology book | Role: Producer (iOS, Android)
  • MUZEUM TGM RAKOVNIK | 19/06/2022 | AR App for a Museum in Czechia | Role: Producer (iOS, Android)

out to me!

